What is MitID and what can it be used for?

MitID is a digital ID that is used to access Danish public self-service solutions.

MitID can e.g. be used if you have to apply for an education in Denmark, access your pension information in a Danish pension fund, or if you have been under treatment at a hospital in Denmark and you want to access your journal information.

MitID is primarily an app for smartphones and tablets. With one swipe, you can log in and confirm an action online, for example if you need to transfer money in your online bank or view your tax information in Denmark. You can easily use the MitID app, even if you haven’t used the NemID app before.

The High Commissioners office recommends that citizens who use the MitID app have more than one MitID authenticator. It is a good idea to have MitID installed on more than one device, for example on your smart phone and on your tablet. That way you always have one in reserve, and you will be able to approve transactions with MitID, even if you should lose your phone.

Learn how to use the MitID app by clicking here.


Alternatives to the app

There are three alternatives to the MitID app: A MitID code display, a MitID audio code reader and a MitID chip. If you cannot use the app, the MitID code display will be a good alternative, while the MitID audio code reader is intended for people with impaired vision. The MitID chip is for those who need to approve and log on with MitID many times daily, e.g. in work-related contexts.

The MitID authenticators can be ordered at MitID.dk and sent to you. The MitID code displays and MitID audio code readers can also be issued at the High Commissioners office.

Once you have received your authenticator, it must be activated before use.

MitID code display

The code display is a small electronic device that displays a one-time password code. Enter the one-time password code, when you log on to confirm your MitID.

Learn how to use the MitID code display by clicking here.

MitID audio code reader

The audio code reader is intended for people with impaired vision. The audio code reader will read the one-time password code out loud and display the code on the screen of the device. Enter the one-time password code, when you log on to confirm your MitID.

Learn how to use the MitID audio code reader by reading here.

MitID Chip

The MitID chip is a small electronic device equipped with a button that you press when you need to approve and log on with MitID.

Learn how to use the MitID Chip by clicking here.